Category: Sales

  • Unlocking Success: Property Choices in Modern Commercial Real Estate Investments

    Unlocking Success: Property Choices in Modern Commercial Real Estate Investments

    Significant changes are taking place in the commercial and retail property markets around the world right now, and numerous opportunities emerge. If you have extra cash to invest in purchasing a new commercial or retail property, there are undoubtedly good opportunities. Everything depends on what you want and how much money you have. In most…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Commercial Property Today

    The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Commercial Property Today

    There is a big difference between investing in residential property and commercial property. The latter offers more flexibility in leasing and income strategies, so it suits the more experienced investor over the longer term than those just starting. In commercial property, you can buy a property of a selected type and then optimise the tenant…

  • Unravelling Cold Calling Possibilities in Commercial Property

    Unravelling Cold Calling Possibilities in Commercial Property

    Making more cold calls in commercial real estate is now a big part of finding good quality clients and creating listings. The ways to find people needing property help has changed. Note: If you need ideas and systems to build your real estate business, you can get them in our free commercial real estate course…

  • Call Tracking Systems for COVID19 Property Cycle

    Call Tracking Systems for COVID19 Property Cycle

    The current health situation around the World is creating change in commercial real estate, but the property industry is still active, and sales transactions are happening.  The problem that many agents are now seeing is that of listing stock.  Getting on the telephone to find listing stock is far more critical than ever before. Properties…

  • How a Complete Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Practice Session Improves Knowledge and Skills

    How a Complete Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Practice Session Improves Knowledge and Skills

    In commercial real estate brokerage there are a good number of things that require practice and refinement over time.  It’s a personal process that cannot be delegated.  It is the faster track to getting results in brokerage with listings and clients. So why is this so important? There are many ‘top agents’ in a location…

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